
Let’s Read The Word

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The Mark Of A Demigoddess

The Mark Of A Demigoddess




Thousands of years ago, there was a land full of sweetness and happiness. A forgotten empire Named MARSHREL, the people of Marshrel were not ruled by kings but by demigoddesses, From Generations to generations the people lived in peace and harmony, until the rootless war began, in those times when a demigoddess is born, the priests from all part of the empire will gather to make sacrifices to the Gods, every demigoddess carries a mark at the back of her ear, the mark of a demigoddess, a demigoddess is expected to have a very high level of braveness, leadership and strength. In those days, it was believed that the demigoddess with the highest level of strength, leadership and braveness; earn the chance to be the next heir to the throne, So the young demigoddesses are being trained, by the best warriors in the whole empire, and tutored by the elder demigoddesses in the empire. In Marshrel, a demigoddess rules as queen for a hundred years before handing over to the next young queen to rule, by so doing the past queen is to joins the council of elders, (a group of past queens). A demigoddess lives up to eight hundred years, a demigoddess is born every hundred years by the purest woman in the kingdom, so women in the empire try to be pure, kind and humble. so, to be able to conceive a demigoddess, the priest’s senses when a demigoddess is being conceived, in the empire, so the gods leads them to the woman carrying the baby, then they will take the woman to the temple where she will stay, till the baby is born. The pregnant woman is not allowed to eat anything from outside, she only eats what’s giving to her by the priest, they believe the only fruits meant for the pregnant woman are those planted around the Temple, and the food are also made in the Temple. But a time came when darkness covered the empire, a time when a queen that was meant to protect her people turned against them. All the priests in the kingdom were killed under the queen’s command, then she appointed new priests that will do anything she wants, there were given lots of golds, to abort if possible kill every pregnant woman carrying a demigoddess in the empire, the people were told the gods are angry, this dirty secret lasted for centuries. One good night a priest sensed that a woman was carrying a demigoddess, so he had to locate her so to take her to place where she will be safe from the troubles that befell the land....

  Thousands of years ago, there was a land full of sweetness and happiness.

  A forgotten empire Named MARSHREL, the people of Marshrel were not ruled by kings but by demigoddesses, From Generations to generations the people lived in peace and harmony, until the rootless war began, in those times when a demigoddess is born, the priests from all part of the empire will gather to make sacrifices to the Gods, every demigoddess carries a mark at the back of her ear, the mark of a demigoddess, a demigoddess is expected to have a very high level of braveness, leadership and strength.

  In those days, it was believed that the demigoddess with the highest level of strength, leadership and braveness; earn the chance to be the next heir to the throne, So the young demigoddesses are being trained, by the best warriors in the whole empire, and tutored by the elder demigoddesses in the empire.

  In Marshrel, a demigoddess rules as queen for a hundred years before handing over to the next young queen to rule, by so doing the past queen is to joins the council of elders,

a group of past queens


  A demigoddess lives up to eight hundred years, a demigoddess is born every hundred years by the purest woman in the kingdom, so women in the empire try to be pure, kind and humble. so, to be able to conceive a demigoddess, the priest’s senses when a demigoddess is being conceived, in the empire, so the gods leads them to the woman carrying the baby, then they will take the woman to the temple where she will stay, till the baby is born.

  The pregnant woman is not allowed to eat anything from outside, she only eats what’s giving to her by the priest, they believe the only fruits meant for the pregnant woman are those planted around the Temple, and the food are also made in the Temple.

  But a time came when darkness covered the empire, a time when a queen that was meant to protect her people turned against them.

  All the priests in the kingdom were killed under the queen’s command, then she appointed new priests that will do anything she wants, there were given lots of golds, to abort if possible kill every pregnant woman carrying a demigoddess in the empire, the people were told the gods are angry, this dirty secret lasted for centuries.

  This empire,

  ‘yeah its ok grandma, am off to work’ I said, as I quickly stood up from the dining chair and giving grandma a hug.

  ‘grandma! remember to put the salad in the freezer for me’ I shouted as I struggled with my bag running out.

  ‘ok boss lady’ grandma shouted in reply.

  My name is jane, but actually some people do call me ‘jenny dizzy’ all because I do feel sleepy in my free time, but never during work time, except the time I... never mind. That was my grandma, she’s very cool at telling stories that 99.9% to me doesn’t make sense, these stories never seems to end, “like she has been telling us, our whole life”, I know u would be wondering why I said ‘us’, I have a twin sister, named “Bella”, I never stay a second without thinking about her, I feel like we are one.

  It’s a brand-new day in Albany,

New York city

, bright morning, guys skating on the walk way, girls jugging, dry leaves everywhere, pidgins peaking the ground for food.

  While rushing to work I saw a very cute little boy jugging with his dad, ‘good morning,’ said the little boy’ hi!! Little guy, good morning what’s up’ I replied with a broad smile.

  ‘you are kind early today’ the dad then said breathing heavily. I smiled and said, ‘grandma story had to wait today’ he juggled pass laughing.

  Its Friday, so there will be load of traffic on the road, God knows when I will get to work today.

  I work as a journalist in rush newspapers, my dream was to be a journalist that will travel round the world, see places, meet different people, go on adventures. Grandma taught me that, life has a way of turning things around for the better, but I guess mine was the direct opposite.

  My boss is very irritable, he enters the office abruptly, ready to bounce on anybody he sees, nothing is ever good enough to him, he shouts allots, sometimes I ask myself, ’is he always like this’, not until I overheard a lady whispering to another of how his wife left him, after a month of marriage, saying he couldn’t perform he’s marital duties as a man, because he has a little… Never mind.

  Am always his scapegoat, he always looks for faults to blame me with, sometimes I wish I could just have my wings and fly out of this god forsaking place. I have just two friends at the office, it could have been three, but the third one is kind of annoying, and a total punk, it seems like he wakes up every morning thinking of a new way of frustrating my day in the office, he’s name is, shin; a Japanese freak, he’s kind of handsome, fair, has cute looking eyes with a v shaped jaw. that’s just makes him handsomely annoying, I just can’t stand seeing him around. My two friends at the office are, ‘Isabella and grace’, they always keep me company at work.

  My sister Bella, pays me visits at work two time in a week, sometimes three, for now she’s at

  home with grandma, cause she’s just true college. Well that’s because I went into college before her, grandma couldn’t cope with paying for the both of us to go to college, so grandma decided, I should go first since am the smartest, Bella had to wait until I was done with college before she

  went in. Bella studied fashion, she loved it from her childhood, but grandma Says she’s born a guardian, well I will say, ‘grandma is always weird’.

  ‘Well that’s all I know about myself….’ I said to my self Looking at me my monitor screen, in a low lazy voice.

  Boss bagged in with an angry looking face, I quickly sat up so did the other’s and eyes on our monitor screens, he walked gently pass me as he held his hands at his back, he finally stopped at shin’s table, shin then showed him a story headline he created; he looked at shins monitor screen and Sayed, ‘it’s ok, but not enough’ he said shouting.

  I want something catchy from you guys, don’t you get that, before twenty-four hours I want a headline on my desk, I don’t even know what am paying you guys for’ he murmured as he walked out, slamming the door.

  ‘Lord, what a relive’ I said to myself holding my forehead,

  ‘I just can’t keep up with this man’ grace said to me, as she exhaled heavily.

  ‘so, what’s your plan?’ I asked sinking to my chair.

  ‘am leaving here very soon, my cousin is linking me to a much bigger job’ grace whispered to me. ‘aww that’s so good’, I replied covering my mouth with my right hand.

  ‘Well am thinking of relocating to a whole different area’ I said to grace looking up, as I placing a finger on my down lip.

  ‘why! are you having problem with the landlord or something?’ grace asked anxiously.

  ‘no, it’s nothing’ I said to her. ‘you know I just want to see new faces, meet new people, new environment and stuff like that’ I replied.

  ‘then, are you still going to be on this job or you already had it figured out?’ grace asked as she raised her eyebrows. I smiled and whispered,

  ‘I already figured it out’ but Inside of me, I know there was nothing, no plan, I was just confused with the thought that, I may never get another job if I have to leave this one.

  I wanted to rest for a while since I have been working for hours, suddenly I fell into a deep sleep with my head on my desk, I got into a trance where I saw a little girl looking at me, with tears in her eyes, blood and mud allover her face and body, she dressed in a strange looking robe, I then heard voices of women, men and children screaming in pain, looking behind her was a very thick smoke, and behind it I saw shadows of people being whipped and slaughtered by some scary looking men, in strange looking cloths, they were full of anger and rage, killing any living being at sight. It was so terrible that I held the little girls hand trying to get her to safety, but she restrained, and then screamed her voice was so loud that it shocked the heavens, immediately I woke up with a leap, all covered in sweat.

  ‘I do have strange dreams but not as strange as this one’ I thought to me self, rubbing my forehead. I then looked at my watch, ‘wow! Six thirty already’ I hissed as eyes narrowed. I quickly arranged my self so can get home before dark.