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True Love's Kiss And A Rose

True Love's Kiss And A Rose




Seeking vengeance for the death of his late father Ji-ho, Professor Yoo Ha hatched a diabolical plan to take the life of the son of the one he blames for his father's death, Hyun-woo. His plan involves kidnapping Hyun-woo's love interest and using his love to lure him to his doom. But Professor Yoo Ha is not sure who he truly loves between his two closest female friends Ara and Eun Jung, so he captures the two and uses them as bait to lure Hyun-woo. He plans to use Hyun-woo as his lab rat to test his fatal teleportation device on humans in order to perfect his design. Unknown to Professor Yoo Ha, Hyun-woo had earlier expressed his undying love to Ara when he offered her a rose and she accepted his love. Hyun-woo falls for Professor Yoo Ha's bait but manages to free both Ara and Eun Jung and tells them both to flee as he fights to buy them precious time to escape. Eun Jung flees at Hyun-woo's instruction but Ara stays behind with her true love. As they both try to escape, Ara is mortally injured. Professor Yoo Ha escapes seeing the damage he had done. Hyun-woo is devastated as Ara lay dying in his arms. She brings out the rose he gave her from her purse and says she will always cherish it even in death. He gives her a kiss and promises to save her before she dies, will he be able to fulfill his promise?

The alarm clock goes off, heavy metal music fills the apartment. It's 7:30 a.m. Hyun-woo let's it sing a little longer, he hums to it, his eyes still shut. The music seems to energize him, he smiles as he hums and then the music stops. In one swift movement Hyun-woo gets out of bed, now he opens his eyes. He stares at himself opposite the mirror facing him, perfect smile, a fair skin tone, handsome face, perfect hair cut, a slim athletic body and very tall. Hyun-woo winks at his reflection and off he goes into the bathroom - no time to waste.

The water in the shower was already preheated to his ideal temperature, thanks to the Artificial intelligence that controls everything in his apartment, including his alarm clock.

'Good morning Oracle, play me the usual', Hyun-woo says to his apartment AI as he steps under the shower torrents.

'Good morning master Hyun-woo. Now playing "blood,sweat and tears" by BTS 2016'. Oracle replied with a robotic female voice.

The music slowly drowns the sounds of falling droplets of water as it fills the bathroom. Hyun-woo couldn't help but move to the music, he was a pretty good dancer but his moves today were comical. Wiggling, shaking, twerking and being generally goofy, Hyun-woo was in such a good mode.

It was a long bath before breakfast, Korean egg roll or gyeranmari. Neatly dressed in white casual T-shirt, black cardigan, navy blue chinos and black sneakers, Hyun- woo takes one final look at the mirror before stepping out.

The Seoul National University main campus at Gwanak is a busy place. The tube ride from Hyun-woo's apartment to the university took less than 2 minutes. In that time Hyun-woo was able to view a hologram of his class schedule for the day from his smart watch. Professor Yoo Ha will be taking his first class in a series of lectures on Advanced Artificial Intelligence


. He is one of the leading researchers in AAI technologies in the world. Poised, charismatic, witty and an all round likeable person, Professor Yoo Ha is the youngest professor in all of South Korea.

Hyun-woo, as he walks through the department of Artificial intelligence cannot help but admire its beauty. It's a blend of art, technology and nature. Sculptures of humans and objects made from carbon fiber are stationed at intervals along the hallways. Humanoid robot guides, interact with humans and have come to forge friendships. Indoor and smart gardens add a serene feel to the appearance of the department.


Interrupted in his thoughts, Hyun-woo turns back to the direction of the sound.

'Charlie!', Hyun-woo calls out laughing, as he recognizes his humanoid robotic friend. 'You scared me you sneaking robot'.

They both laughed.

'How have you been master Hyun-woo?, Charlie asks in a friendly tone.

'I have been fine my friend. don't worry I'll sneak up on you at the close of class today', Hyun-woo replies in a friendly tone too. They both smiled as they continued on their way.

The time was now 8:30 a.m. Hyun-woo had arrived at the lecture theatre. Hyun-woo peeped through the door, the lecture theatre was empty, he was the first to arrive, he even came earlier than her.

'How come Ara isn't here yet?', Hyun-woo whispered to himself, facing the entrance of the lecture theatre.

'Hmmm', Hyun-woo sighed, as he slowly walked into the lecture theatre, half of his enthusiasm from the morning gone. Hyun-woo took a seat at almost the mid section of the theatre, his favourite seat and spot. He had about one hour thirty minutes before classes would start. Hyun-woo settled to do some reading off the syllabus, something more advanced. He logged in his ID and password into the smart desk monitor and searched for "the latest in robotics and teleportation".

'Hmmm', Hyun-woo said with curiosity. 'This is interesting...'.

'What is?'

A female voice startled Hyun-woo from behind. He shook a little. He turned towards the direction of the voice.

'I didn't mean to startle you', She said modestly while smiling at him.

'Ara!' Hyun-woo replied, his voice still filled with shock although he tried to conceal it.

'I didn't see you walk in?', Hyun-woo asked, relaxed again.

'You were too busy on your desk monitor, that's why', Ara replied cheerfully.

Hyun-woo gave a faint smile, so Ara won't notice. From where he was he could see her full beauty. Ara was about 5 feet, 5 inches tall, slim, fair glowing skin that looks glass-like, small head, full dark hair, naturally big eyes covered in double eyelids, button nose, round chicks, V-shaped jaw line that made her face beautiful. Ara wore a sunshine yellow lacy top, a black high-waisted mini skirt and black shiny boots.

'So what is interesting?',Ara asked.

'Sit', Hyun-woo said as he directed Ara with his hand to the seat next to his. 'I'll show you', he continued, pointing to his desk monitor.

'This looks interesting', Ara said seated next to him, looking into his monitor. 'The speed at which robots teleport is ...'

'689,494,552 metres per second,' Hyun-woo interrupts, as he calls the number of hands.

'You are right', Ara replied with a smile, impressed at his memory as she confirmed the numbers from the desk monitor.

'Next it will be our turn - humans!' Ara said excited.

'Do you sometimes wonder how it will feel like?', Hyun-woo asked, a little puzzled and concerned.

'Painful?, maybe scary?' Ara replied with uncertainty.

'Then I'll be the first to try it out', Hyun-woo said courageously.

'Are you sure Hyun-woo?' Ara asked sincerely concerned for Hyun-woo's welfare.

'Try not to worry too much', Hyun-woo replied, this time his smile was visible for Ara to see. Ara nods her head repeatedly in response.

'You didn't arrive early today, why?' Hyun-woo asked curiously.

'Its nothing', Ara replies timidly unlike her usual self, trying to avoid eye contact with Hyun-woo.

'Look at me', Hyun-woo instructs with a calm tone. From Ara's eyes, Hyun-woo can see the fear in them.

'Something is wrong, please tell me what it is?' Hyun-woo voice conveying sincerity. He didn't like the fear he saw in Ara's eyes.

'Hyun-woo!' A female voice called out. 'Yeah there is Hyun-woo' , another female voice called out in support, and then there was a chorus of other female voices calling out 'Hyun-woo'. Their voices echoed closer as they approached Hyun-woo.

'It's such poor timing', Hyun-woo thought to himself, his face showing his disappointment. Ara could see this too, she had to wait for another time to tell him when he asked.

Hyun-woo wouldn't turn to look at the direction where the voices calling out his name were approaching, he was sulky now.

'Its Eun Jung and her girls', Ara whispered, they were already close.

Hyun-woo still sulky had to face his fan base. Yeah he was popular - intelligent with charming good looks, he easily stood out anywhere he went to. One of the reasons he likes to get to class early, before the hallways become more crowded and more people recognize him.

'Hello Hyun-woo', Eun Jung said flirtatiously. Eun Jung stood facing him from across the desk monitor. Her girls giggle at her sides. Eun Jung was a 2nd year student of history, a poised elegant young lady. Ever since she met Hyun-woo some months ago as a first-year student, Eun Jung had taken it upon herself to be his tour guide. She has been ever so helpful, except for her timing- like in this instance.

'Hi Eun Jung', Hyun-woo replied dispassionately, devoid of emotions. Eun Jung girls giggled at the sound of Hyun-woo's voice. Hyun-woo waved slightly at them, and they giggled even more.

'When will you be free today Hyun-woo?', Eun Jung asked with a tone of desperation.

Eun Jung has been busy for some days now and hasn't had the time to come hang out with Hyun-woo.

Hyun-woo looked across to Ara who so far had been ignored in the conversation. Ara had a different personality than Eun Jung. She liked her individuality, she rarely moved with a group. She was neither introverted or extroverted, she was ambivalent, a mixture of the two. Ara and Hyun-woo were first-year students of the department of Artificial intelligence. They both became acquainted in the first semester when Ara discovered they shared similar interests. Hyun-woo admired her for her modest individuality.

'My schedule is a bit tight today Eun Jung', Hyun-woo replied looking back at her.

'I'll text you, to let you know when next I'll be free', Hyun-woo concluded reassuringly.

Eun Jung's initial disappointment now turned to excitement.

'Okay Hyun-woo', Eun Jung replied happily. Hyun-woo was always true to his word, and he was going to text her.

'Bye Hyun-woo', Eun Jung says in a flirtatious tone, her girls also chorus her response, 'bye Hyun-woo'.

Hyun-woo waves at Eun Jung and her girls, Eun Jung waves back and for the first time acknowledges Ara's presence and waves at her. Ara waves back.