
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Priya Chauhan



"Look in the mirror, look at yourself come undone, mate..." *** This isn't your typical werewolf story where the girl is a damsel in distress and needs saving. No, the girl in this story is fiery, confident, and an Alpha. This is the story of a rogue and an Alpha. A story where she hates him but loves him at the same time. She wants to stay away but keeps coming back to him. Their love, unlike others. Their love is an uncontrollable fire uncontrollable. It will blaze through them like wildfire, igniting their souls on its path.

Sapphire's POV

"We have a problem, Alpha," the head warrior, Josh mind linked me. Knowing him, he won't mindlink me unless there is a threat to the pack.

"Where are you?" I asked as I closed the contract I was reading.

"Near pack borders," he replied instantly.

"Stay right there, I'm coming," I ordered and left the office in a hurry. The pack members bowed their necks in submission as I walked past them. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Continue your work," I ordered the kitchen staff when they stopped working to greet me. Young pups are waiting for their breakfast after the training so I don't want to make them wait any longer. They must be pretty hungry by now.

I have to travel a good few meters away from the packhouse before I can shift into my wolf. My bones cracked and bent in an awkward position. Hairs sprouted from my pores. My nails turned into claws, my hands converting into paws. All too soon I was standing in my wolf form, proud and confident.

Sunlight bounced on my fur as I ran and the warm light made my fur warm. If I didn't have the responsibilities I'd run all day long under the heat of the sun.

We should go for a run. My wolf suggested. I didn't miss the hope lingering in her voice. I feel bad for us. Wolf loves to run and go on hunts and it's been a while since we have done that. She must be feeling caged as I didn't let her out as much as I should.

Later. I promised. She sighed and silently made her way to the back of my head. My heart ached for her but there is nothing I can say to console her right now, the only thing I can do is go on a long run to satisfy her urges. But only after I've finished the work for the day.

I took off at full speed as I don't have time to waste. Josh was looking rather concerned when I reached near the border. I looked around for the clothes to wear and changed before going in front of him.

"What happened?" I asked without wasting any time. He bowed his greeting before replying to me.

"Rogues smell has been discovered here," he answered. I raised my nose in the air and took a whiff. Sure enough, the smell of two rogues hit my senses.

"Did they do anything suspicious?" I asked as I scanned the area around us, my wolf eyes searching for any possible danger.

"No," he said. I sighed.

"They are probably traveling and crossed the territory by mistake. Don't dwell on it anymore," in other packs they kill the rogues right on the spot but in this pack, rules have changed ever since dad has handed me the duties of Alpha. I don't want to kill any innocent person, rogue or not.

Only those receive punishment who deserve it, be it a pack member or rogue. I am strict about that rule. I don't show mercy to those who have done wrong and I never punish those who haven't done any harm. And I will never break my rules. Or so I thought.

"Go back, there's nothing to worry about," my gaze swept around the area once again.

"Yes Alpha," he nodded. I nodded back and shifted into my wolf before sprinting off.

"Alpha, Luna is on the phone, she wants to talk to you," one of my pack members, Riley said when I entered the packhouse. I took the phone from her hands and made my way towards the office.

"Mom," I breathed out.

"How is my baby?" mom's excited voice came from the other side. I rubbed my forehead as I know she is not going to hang up soon. Don't get me wrong, I love her but I don't have time for a chat now.

I have to prepare the contract for a deal with the neighboring pack. The Alpha thinks just because I'm a female, he can fool me into giving some of the pack lands to him.

He is highly mistaken if he thinks I'll give up on the pack lands. The land belongs to this pack and it'll always be ours. I'll not let any cunning Alpha take it away from us.

"Sapphire, are you listening?" mom questioned from the other side of the line.

"Yes mom," I replied absentmindedly. Mom continued with her banter, which I didn't pay any attention to.

"Mom I need to work, I'll call you later," I didn't wait for her reply and hung up. Yes, I felt bad for being so rude but there is something else I have to deal with.

What's the matter with you? I growled at my wolf. She is anxious and is clawing at me to set her free.

I don't know. She growled back and started pacing around. I'll get a headache if she doesn't stop pacing soon.

Let's go on a run. I suggested it to her. I won't be able to work if she continues to be this anxious. At least a run can help her calm down. I'll finish this later, I thought, eyeing the piling work. Before I can change my mind I left the office and made a beeline for the forest.

I shredded my clothes and transformed into my beautiful beast. My pack members often comment on how beautiful my wolf is. With platinum blonde color fur and Sapphire blue eyes, she is bound to look beautiful.

And do I look similar to my wolf?

The only similarities between us are our eyes and hair. Otherwise, we are different, both in nature and looks., which should be obvious considering I'm human and she is a wolf. While I feed on emotions she feeds on her instincts, and her instincts are never wrong.

Let's go. I said and gave full control to her. I moved to the back of her head and sat down, silently looking through her eyes.

She happily took off when I gave her full control. It's rare for us to give full control to our beast that's why when they get the opportunity they make the most out of it.

My fur glowed under the sun, giving it the illusion of light gold. If my wolf looked beautiful before I can bet millions she looks regal with the illusion.

The smell of nature smells heavenly. The soil under my paws feels like I'm walking on a cloud.

The crunchy sound made by leaves sounds like music to me. The distant sound of a river adds up to the music.

Wait... We don't have any river near our pack lands. My eyes snapped open. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realize that we had crossed the pack land.

I immediately took control back. My wolf growled in protest but I forced her to the back of my head.

What the hell? I cursed when I realized we are far from the pack. Everything is foreign to me. The trees, the lands, the scenery, all look unfamiliar.

I'm sorry. My wolf apologized sadly when she realized what she had done. We are alone here and from the smell, it's not a pack land, which means we can encounter rogues here. I may not kill innocent rogues but there are bad rogues too.

They are sociopaths and take pleasure in killing. They are a danger to humanity. They kill without any remorse and I sure as hell don't want to become their next meal.

Why the hell did you come here anyway? I asked my wolf as I surveyed my surroundings for any possible threat.

I don't know, something was pulling me. She murmured. I closed my eyes and sighed.

Why would you feel the pull to come here? I asked her.

Not here, we are only halfway. She trailed off. I scoffed at her. So she would have wandered to God knows where without thinking that maybe she is putting us in danger?

I shook my head. I was highly disappointed with her. She has never placed our life in danger before. She whined inside my head when she felt my disappointment.

We should probably go back. I commented and turned to the opposite side. I sniffed my scent and started following it back. That is the only way I can come up with something that is effective and will work. It will take longer but we will reach our destination.

I wouldn't have traveled back much when I heard a ferocious growl behind me.