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Room 101 the billionaires' suite

Room 101 the billionaires' suite

Author:Daisy RoseWinnie



"I am me, one and only me; one who cares less about shit; I don't give a fuck no more about what anyone thinks about me! I need something, I go for it! At some point, some persons began to call me the FEMALE MAFIA LORD, oh yeah… that's how tough I've become! Not really what they say, but I fight to get what I want. Holy shit, that's me!" ROOM 101… Hmm.. a place to behold and remember! WILD... By the time you have just a little taste of that room, I say wow, you'll plead for more.. And even when best of friends turn out to be the worst of enemies, shit would still go on! Do I look like I care..? Damn it! Jayson Jackson, a top-notch must catch for every woman! Sounds great, right? Just follow me, let's go get it all started! But what happens when three well built and confident ladies fight over just him? Imagine the troubles which will loom around for all… But, who are those to be the sacrificial lamb for the other to have him?

Women are fragile beings; you treat them well, and they repay you with their utmost love. And they'd know nothing of fear when they're with you! BUT, when you get them to taste the bitter part of you, oh shit! What do you get in return? Frustrated ass! Boredom! And the real taste of bitterness as a spice of life!!! Gosh, others around too would also taste from it! 

Funny, right?

But that's the bitter truth about life!

You can ask me why..! But worry not, LET'S JUST KEEP THE SHIP MOVING... You'll soon find out!!!

Please, do not forget to drop your reviews. Let's communicate, talk about your views on my story; whether good or bad.

But please.. be kind in your words...wink!

And if time permits, you can drop on every line... I LOVE YOU ALL... KISSES..!!!


It was glaring in his expression that he was tired of waiting and he zoomed off. Oh, yeah.. Handsome..! That was so hard for him to bear. It only felt like a serious tear on his skin, but, all that is all in the past now to him. 

Huh? What did I just hear? 

Of course... he is the biggest gist of the town now! Yeah yeah.. he is! I mean, the Handsome Billionaire of the city, the latest dude in town, Jayson Jackson Junior. Oh yeah.. You love that name, I guess!

I just introduced a new topic for conversation now, right?

Let's keep rolling… 

He's now the new celeb in town, a charming, young musician with flamboyant sexy looks, enticing physique, endowed with his expensive clothes glued to his fitted body, with his shirt displaying his crazy abs. To crown it all, he's got a beautiful beachy voice. Talk about a changer of times. A blast!

Talking about the hot guy; he's hot! Explicitly! BUT, so cold like an icecream to be eaten without letting any single drop escape. Some persons say that it's a sign of the presence of good genes. Awesome, right? This Jayson guy seems so far to most ladies in town, but to me, he seems so close because I get to see him on dailies on my way to work, and even at home. Sounds kind of untrue, I guess!

I stood beside a building, waiting for Caria as usual, peeped through to see if she was close, "oh... my... world.." I muttered. Lo and behold, it was the world's sexiest guy, driving towards my direction in his Ford Mostang 390 GT car. 


I hopped like a butterfly as Caria, my best friend caught through my thoughts, trying to catch my view. 

"Blair..!" She screamed again. "Hmmm.. What are you- what are you doing?" She came closer, glancing around to see for herself. "Oh.. my.. oh.. my..!" She exclaimed as she saw exactly what it was. "Come on girl.. just stop wishing, okay! Can't you see the huge gap between you two..? It's a different world altogether my dear friend!" 

"Just hold it Caria.. I know.." I sighed. "B-but.." I muttered, closing my eyes gently in disbelief, as I folded my arms across each other. Releasing them, I brought out my cell phone as we were just about leaving for work.

"Why now, Blair? Come off it, you're just too grown for this!" She bashed at me.

"Let's get going please" I demanded, not wanting the issue to get any creepier. At least, for the best. I turned off the backlight of my phone, shoved it into my handbag, and off to work we went. 

Returning back from work, I walked straight to my window, trying to adjust the window blinds to get some fresh air into my room. 

"Oh goodness me! Isn't that the hit dude in town?" I asked myself, drowning in my world of fantasy and, maybe lust, I guess. In shock, the paper bag of fruits I was holding, dropped to the ground, my apples and oranges rolling out to the other end of my room. 

"Oh my God, Caria.. you startled me..!" I jerked as I turned away from my window.

"Hey, Blair...what's going on with you; what are you doing, lost in the view of your window?!" She screamed into my room, through my open door, her curly dark hair exposing her pillowy neck, like a melon with cherry tomatoes tucked into the dimples of her neck. She tilted her head as I squinted, confused at her gaze. She was trying to see what I was lost in. "You're such a spoilt brat, girl!" She lashed at me, lapping her palm on my bare white skin, smirking. 

I was quiet, my eyes rolling like the oranges from my bag and quickly, I put my cheek on my palm, breathed so deeply. The cooing echo made me cower, and I was starting to feel cold; my little pussy was like a small boiler. Caria was just about to take her backhand swing on me when she stopped. Then patted my head gently as she gradually walked away. "Oh my.. I thought I was all alone in my closet, secretly admiring my prince charming, not knowing she was standing here all along. Oh my God!" I gasped as I heard the door closed behind her. 

Bending down to pick up my fruits, my mind drifted back to my dream world as the looks of the billionaire in his Ford Monstag engulfed me in ecstacy, making my legs tremble in blissful feelings. I could see myself in his car, riding and cracking jokes with him, his hands moving in a killing atmosphere all over me, throwing me off my balance. Infact, I was completely lost and out of this world. 

A heavy slap rang out on my buttocks as Caria landed it on me. Looking down, my jaw dropped in shock when I saw her smiling at me with a smirk on her face. Her breath was clearly visible in the air as she said, in a sultry voice,

''I knew you would love this part! Naughty girl! See you around, my little Jimmy.' she paused, and continued, "do not forget girl, he's not your class... and you know what, he can never be!!! So.. get those wild eyes of yours away from his direction, and direct it somewhere else, girl..! Blair... stick your butt somewhere else... for your own good..! Do not say I didn't warn you...!" 

Caria is one hell of a girl that I find it so hard to deal with; she's such a jerk, always getting on my nerves; but the funniest thing is that, she's my best pal. One who understands me, who can deal with my insecurities, and she knows how to help me feel better when it hurts. She was so helpful when I experienced my last breakup, that was hell. So frustrating!

I quickly snapped out of my daydream, walked quickly to the window, "oh no.. he's gone already!" My breath seized for a few seconds as my heart palpitated heavily like it was going to jump out of my chest. I fell to my bed, running my handds on my face as a feeling of defeat filled me.

Holy fuck! How could I forget to say this?

Do not feel bad if you get wet as you read, just keep riding and enjoy the hot spicy taste of the story!

And I believe you aren't too far away from your partner; hope I guessed right? #wink!#