
Let’s Read The Word

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Blood Samurai

Blood Samurai

Author:C. Anthony Lefever



Jiro finally fulfills his childhood dream of. being a samurai. He longed being a samurai ever since that day. The tragedy every child would hate to see. Ever since that day Jiro wanted to be a samurai so he can killed the man he hated most. Through out his journey of being a samurai he learns to put his comrades well being in front of a selfish goal such as revenge. Jiro has a lot ahead of his young samurai life until he becomes the greatest samurai of all time

  I lived a simple life. A life every kid had in their childhood. I had a mom and a dad, and 2 beautiful sisters. were who I adored the most. My dad was a Samurai a very good one in fact, my mom was a housewife who took care of me and my siblings and loved us with all her heart. I was happy until that day.

  The day that crushed my soul into a million pieces. That day was a day no child should witness, let alone a 6 year old. "Hitna I think I'm going to go home now it's getting kind of late, and my dinners probably getting cold" Jiro said. "Oh, well it was fun playing with you, come back tomorrow" Hitna replied.

  Jiro nodded his head to Hitna's words. After all, how could he say no to Hitna. On Jiro's path home he saw people from his village running from the village. He recognized all of them but, something was off.

  Their faces showed a face of fear, not a happy face to what he was used to. Jiro continued his stride but every face he saw was the same. They all were scared all of them. "What is happening and why is everyone scared" Jiro thought.

  A couple minutes later Jiro saw dead bodies everywhere. Some of them were his friends and some were adults who were nice to him. Jiro didnt understand. No one could blame him he was a 6 year old boy. Jiro later arrived at his house and saw I torn through furniture and decorations everywhere.

  Vases smashed, Painting all on the floor. Suddenly, Jiro here's a voice from a distance. "Oh Kinje this would've been easier if you told me where the boy is" A masked man said. "All we had to do was suck that demonic blood power out of him" The masked man said.

  "I will never let you play a single finger on my boy" Kinje stated. Jiro slowly peaked his head from the corner something he will forever regret. He saw his mom, his 2 sisters were all dead. Pools of blood were under there dead bodies.

  "Even if you did take him, his power wouldn't be even available until hes of the age of 16, by then a great Damurai will find you and rescue him" Kinje said. "Hmmm, you really think your Samurai's are strong enough to beat me" The mysterious man replied." How pathetic" The mysterious man said.

  The masked man pulled a dagger from his pocket and slit Kinje's throat. "PAPA" Jiro cried. "Well what do we have hear" The masked man said. "Why did you have to kill my papa" Jiro asked. "Well because he was being defiant and in the way of my plan" The masked man replied.

  "Dont worry though I will be taking care of you now. The masked man stated. Suddenly, a kenai flew through the walls and hit the masked man's shoulder. "Aw shit I've been hit" The masked man said. "Get away from the boy" Kiltur demanded.

  "Kiltur, you too" The masked man said. "I'll retreat for now but I'll be back for the boy" The masked man said. The masked man snapped his fingers then vanished. "Jiro are you ok" Kiltur asked. "Uncle Kiltur mama and papa are they ok.

  Kiltur looks and sees his brother, sister-in-law, and nieces dead. Kiltur's eyes were in shock he didn't know what to do. He looked at Jiro and saw terror in his eyes. "Come on Jiro you will be living with me now" Kiltur said.

  10 years later. "Jiro wake up" Falli said. "Cousin Falli is that you" Jiro asked. "Who else would it be silly" Falli replied. "Breakfast is ready you dont want your riceballs to get cold so I suggest you hurry" Falli said.

  Jiro gets out of bed and heads downstairs. "Good morning, Jiro" Lola says. "Good morning, Aunt Lola" Jiro replies. "I made riceballs I hope you like them" Lola says.

  "You have no time to eat them you must be heading out" Kiltur says. Jiro looks at Kiltur with a confusing face. "Have you forgot in order to become a Samurai you must pass the Samurai examining test" Kiltur states. "Oh that's right today is the examining test" Jiro says.

  "In 12 minutes you'll be late" Kultur says. Jiro puts on a nervous face and dashes out the door. He sprints all the way to the Samurai Training Facility


. 10 minutes later Jiro arrives at the STF.

  "I'm Jiro, Jiro Ketsueki" Jiro tells the Gateman. "Ah, you must be the son of the great Kinje Ketsueki, if you really are his son you should become a great samurai" the Gateman says. "Thanks I guess" Jiro responds.

  "Dont sweat it kid just go in ther and do your best, me and a lot of people who knew your dad are counting on you" the Gateman says. "Tikiyama, you should get back to your son" Ishi said. "Ishi, is that you" Jiro asks.

  "Oh, Jiro long time no see, you seem to have grown a lot in 10 years" Ishi says. "How has things been with you and your family" Ishi said. "Well I'm kind of casted out since I turned down being the prince of this nation" Ishi said.

  "What why would you turn something like that down" Jiro asks. "Personal reasons, you should be getting ready now the Examining test is about to be begin" Ishi says. "Oh right" Jiro replies. "Oh and do your best Hitna will be watching" Ishi says.

  Suddenly, a surge of excitement pulses through Jiros body. "I guess I'll be seeing my old friend" Jiro says in head. A couple of minutes pass and the SET is about to begin.

  "Everybody are you ready for the SET's". Bungo says. "WOOOO" the crowd yells. "Well then let's get right to it" Bungi says. "Wait what Kinje's son on the list" Bungo whispers to himself.

  "Yes and he should be the front runner to win this thing" Kiltur says. "Kiltur how you doing man its been a while" Bungo asks. "Very interesting that boys limit is unpredictable and he is of the age now to where he can use his mother's ability" Kiltur responds.

  "Oh well if he cuts his opponent its game over" Bungo says. "Well everybody the first match contestants are Jiro Ketsueki and Nagu Yamauchi" Bungo says. The crowd was in shock to hear the last name Ketsueki.

  "Huh a Ketsueki is alive" crowd member 1 says. "No way I cant believe it" crowd member 2 says. Jiro and Nagu walk out to the battlefield. "No way is that him" Dengoi says.

  "He must be strong knowing that his father was the strongest Samurai in this nation" Angelina says. "You and Jiro were once friends were you not my darling" Aika asks. "Yes but I thought he died 10 years ago" Hitna responds.

  Hinta starts crying as she sees Jiro make his entrance on the battfield. "Darling, why are you crying" Aika asks. "Its just he's so hot" Hitna says. "W-What did you say" Aika says with anger.

  "Woah all that trauma must of made him a man because he is hot" Eshtheta says. "Well that's no fair now all the girls are all over him" Dengoi says. "Well he is kinda cute and I bet he has a big package" Angelina says. "Well your a bold one" Dengoi responds.

  Jiro and Nagu enter the middle of the battlefield they give each other a good stare. "Well let the fight begin" Bongu says. Hey your the great Kinje's son arent you" Nagu asks.

  "Well I dont know why everyone says your strong because of your father when your father got killed single handidly" Nagu says. Everyone in the Arena is at a shock and the choice of your word Nagu used. "No way he cant just say that" Bongu states.

  "Nagu Yamauchi huh, seems just like his father" Kiltur says. "Can you please take those words back" Jiro asks. "Or what will you do" Nagu asks. "Kill you and chop you up into pieces" Jiro responds.

  Jiro charges at Nagu and aims his katana for his head but, Nagu dodges it. Nagu gets a good cut on Jiro's ankle. Jiro gets back a little to replenish his stamina. "That strength is gonna kick in any second now" Bongu says.

  "Not quite he must see his opponent's blood not his own" Kiltur responds. Nagu charges at Jiro aiming for his chest but Jiro counters. They keep on countering their attacks for awhile.

  "Ah I'm getting tired I must end this quickly" Nagu says in head. Well folks this battle is a very good one indeed" Bungo says. "Not quite" Kiltur corrects Bungo. "Can you just stop always tryna correct me" Bongu responds.

  "Your stronger than I expected but I'm still gonna have to kill you for what you said" Jiro says. Nagu gives Jiro a menacing smirk. "Your quite the sensitive one" Nagu says "If you were facing a villain who is very strong all he has to say is one thing about your dad and you will probably go full crazy on him" Nagu says.

  "This battle is entertaining me so far" Nagu says. "Why dont we take it up a notch, what do you say" Nagu asks. "I don't care as long as you will stop fighting so weak" Jiro says.