
Let’s Read The Word

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Alpha,Please Love Me

Alpha,Please Love Me




It was all like a dream… Never in her wildest dream would she have imagined she would be the Luna of one of the most powerful packs. She got married to an Alpha, gave birth to his heir and when she thought she could finally have it all. Life chose to snatch everything away from her and not only that... She was given an ultimatum by her so-called husband. One that could either ruin her or give her the happiness she's been searching for.



I pleaded in my head, over and over again.

I wanted nothing more but for this to stop.

I wanted anyone...just anyone to come to my rescue and save me.

'Just anyone!'

I sat still with my knuckles tightly fisted and my head bowed. I was in the midst of hundreds of werewolves yet I still felt so damn alone.

So damn, scared.

If only...if only they would just listen.

"We are all here today to discuss the fate of our Luna, Ocean," the chief inquisitor announced and for a second, I felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my heart. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

'Since I was still so damn alive!'

"We are here to decide if she would be stripped off her title as the Luna or not," he added nonchalantly.

I closed my eyes for a second, letting out a sigh. My fate was going to be decided after all and in the split of an eye, everything I have could be snatched away from me. Isn't it just funny, how life works sometimes.

I raised my head, my eyes on the presiding judge that was walking towards the podium. His eye were cold and had no emotions in them...not even a tiny emotion.

"It's so saddening that the one we consider our leader is nothing but an Omega werewolf," the presiding judge began, not sparing me a single gaze. "Her class, her ability and her power are just not enough to rule this pack and we can't...we certainly can't risk that! We can't possibly convince the public that one of the most powerful Pack is ruled by an Omega and to top it all..." He paused, staring right into my eyes. "One that failed to produce an heir and who night possibly be a barren,"

I closed my eyes, biting my lips to stop the tears in my eyes from falling.

'How could they have forgotten so quickly?' my lips curved into a dry smile, thinking about the past.

My child died!

My only baby died and the only thing they could think of after all these years... Was it to snatch my title and call me a barren?

I dug my nails into my skin, hoping that would stop the pain but it didn't.

Not even for a moment.

"And her failure to produce an offspring also threatens the continuation of the pack and..."

The door to the conference room pushed open, cutting him off and I couldn't be more thankful. Letting out a huge breath, I raised my head, my eyes on the werewolf that was walking into the conference room.

'Alpha Knight!

Mateo Knight, Alpha of Lethe Park and husband.

"You are not supposed to be here, Alpha Knight," the judge said with a stern voice.

I was trying my best not to show it in my eyes but I was also damn curious to know the reason he was here.

A deafening silence took over and slowly the tiny whispers of the werewolves began to fill the entire conference room. And the more he chose not to say a single word, the more I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"I want her to keep her position as Luna," he said calmly. "I do not intend to break my bond with her. So, you might as well reconsider your decision to dethrone her,"

'He wants me to stay!'

"And you think we will readily agree to your request, Alpha Knight?" The judge questioned, his lips slightly curved into a smirk.

"Don't. And you might as well consider the Luna sit being empty... forever" he threatened, without thinking twice.

For a moment there, I felt my heart skip a thousand beats. I had expected so many outcomes but never would I have expected that Mateo would show up and choose to stand by my side.

I was surprised he chose to fight for me.

"That threat won't work on us, Alpha Knight and I'm sure you know that as well,"

"And I'm sure you also know that, I would keep to my word," he retorted.


"Our son died and the least you could have done is give both my son and my Luna the respect they deserve!" He snapped. "She's barren?" He laughed sarcastically. "I never knew a barren woman could give birth to a son and even though...even though that son is dead. You have no right to call her barren"

I never believed in miracles but at that exact moment, I couldn't help but believe that miracles do exist.

Knight was standing right there, fighting for me and that was something I wouldn't have imagined in a mirror years to come.

One of the council members signaled to the presiding judge. He let out a sigh, his head vow d as if he was thinking about the decision made.

After what felt like hours, he let out a sigh and finally announced; "After considering all evidence, we are happy to come to the conclusion of keeping Ocean Knight as the Luna of Lethe Pack. Thank you!"

I let out a huge breath, one I didn't realize had been holding for a while now. I won't be leaving after all.

I won't be leaving Mateo!

As if he could hear my thoughts, he walked up to me and said calmly; "Let's go shall we?"

I nodded my head, stood up and walked out of the conference room with him. If I was told hours ago that I would witness Mateo coming to my defense then I would never have believed it but...

'Happiness doesn't truly last forever after all,'

The second I stepped into the car, he threw a piece of paper on my lap, his burning gaze on me; "Sign that," he ordered indifferently and once again I was faced with the same man I was married to for years now.

With shaky hands, I took the paper, reading each and every single line over and over again as if I was expecting something... anything to change but it didn't.


"Sign it," he cut me off, without thinking twice and I couldn't help but think.

'He shouldn't have come in the first place,'

I tightened my grip on the paper, reading the lines again. 'Ocean Knight will continue to enjoy all her rights as Luna but she must agree to engage in a threesome with Mateo Knight and Della Stone.'

'Have you ever felt your world crumbling? Cause at that moment I felt mine was,'