
Let’s Read The Word

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Destiny's Entwine

Destiny's Entwine

Author:Pearl J


Realistic Urban

'This is the last time. After this no more will I go looking for signs' she promised herself looking at the night sky. She stood there for she-didn't-know-how-long looking up at the sky waiting for the sign. Did she see it? Her dejected look explained it all. 'Is it me? Or does this happen to everyone? No, I can't go on like this. If I let this affect me my whole passion could be at stake' she told herself walking back and forth in her terrace. 'Just forget all this. You can't think about this anymore' she told herself in a steady tone. She went back inside throwing a last glance at the night sky. 'I can't expect this anymore' she murmured closing the terrace's door. She entered her room and sat beside her half-packed suitcase. From tonight, her whole life was going to change. This huge decision, which could either build her up or destroy her dreams once and for all. But she can't let fear take over forever, she had to take a step. And she was willing to take the leap of faith. She was going to throw away her steady life. Her only belief was; 'It was all gonna be worth it' Was it? No one knew. Her eyes whelmed up, overflowing with tears as she gathered her stuff. It was now or never. She didn't want to do this but she can think of no other way. She placed a small pen drive on the bedside table with a note reading; 'Goodbye Mom. I will be back soon'

I slowly walked up to my open window and gazed at the clear night sky adorned with millions of stars. My eyes wandered searching for my favourite ones. We all have our favourites. I looked up at my three favourite stars, lying slightly apart from each other horizontally. These three never failed to capture my eyes every time I look up at the clear night sky.

The sky has become my late-night friend. We silently gaze at each other, both immersed in our own worlds.

At least, the best part of it was that one of us was clear that day.

I drew my eyes away from the flawless beauty as the day's events flooded into my mind. I looked at the scattered papers lying on my bed. I had no clue on what to do with them. They were my drafts… wait… rejected drafts! Were they even reading them? Though I had sent my drafts to many publishing for the past five months all I hear back are rejections. Are my stories really that bad? No, I am confident! I shouldn't lose hope now.

Growing up, like many, I listened to fairy tales and loved the fact that no matter how much you go through in your life, at the end you will have a happily ever after with the man of your dreams but I wasn't the damsel in distress kind, I just wanted the perfect guy!

Believing in these tales, ignited the passion within me. The passion to become a writer. My first story was the most common genre in history. ROMANCE! LOVE!


Many have different definitions of it but for me, it has to be a miracle.

A puzzle that fits perfectly when placed together.

This all makes sense when I look up at the sky, but as I slowly drop my eyes and look below, reality hits and it hits hard.

Not blaming Disney though!

It was my choice to believe in them. More over Disney didn't ask me to maintain unrealistic expectations when … ahh … forget it! I don't wanna think of those stupid days.

Thinking back, I was pretty stupid growing up. I used to think the universe withheld signs for me. And I used to assume all the things that happened were signs for me to just keep believing and look for the perfect guy. My eyes wandered through the street outside my window. The trees were barely moving but still it was nice sitting by the window, engulfing the enchantment of the nature.

Suddenly, a gush of wind blew right through the window, taking the scattered papers on my bed for a ride. Strange! Where did this wind come from?

A pile of my unstapled papers flew right out the door into the living room.

I rushed out the door to collect them before they could fly any further.

After managing to collect all the papers, I finally looked up heaving a sigh of relief.

'What are those?' I heard a voice ask as I turned to go back to my room. I froze right in my tracks. What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be at an auction or something?

I'd successfully managed to avoid him for a couple of weeks but luck was not so in favor of me today.

'Are you okay?' he asked as I just stood there not turning back to face him.

'Yeah…' I answered slowly turning to face him. I put up my normal face so that he doesn't grow suspicious.

'What are those?' he asked again looking at the stack of papers in my hand.

'Nothing…just my resumes' I answered holding the papers behind me.

I didn't want him to know about it. Even if I tell him, he's not gonna understand. He was only going to be disapproving like others.

'Really? Resumes?'

'Yeah' I replied awkwardly averting my gaze.

'I heard you didn't eat yet. How about we go out for dinner?' he offered as I stood their facing him, wearing a blank face.

'That's okay. I am not hungry' I answered, politely declining his offer.

I didn't wanna stay there anymore. To be precise, I didn't wanna stay around him anymore. Not after I know what he thinks of me. I didn't want to question him about it either.

I didn't expect him to return my feelings. But I have to be careful. If I stay any longer with him, he will surely guess some thing's up.

I turned around and walked towards my room and twisted the door knob.


It won't open.

The damn door won't open!